Origins Safaris are proud to be aligned with the following partners:
The African Travel & Tourism Association (Atta) is a member-driven trade association that promotes tourism to Africa from all corners of the world. Recognised as the Voice of African Tourism, Atta serves and supports businesses in Africa representing buyers and suppliers of tourism product across 22 African countries. With over 550 members, Atta acts as Pan-Africa’s largest network of tourism product covering not only accommodation, transport and travel specialists in Africa, but a formidable selection of tour operators, representation and PR companies worldwide promoting tourism to Africa. For more information about ATTA us the following link:
AMREF Flying Doctors: In 1956, three doctors – Michael Wood, Archibald McIndoe and Tom Rees – drew up a groundbreaking plan to provide medical assistance to remote regions of East Africa, where they had all worked for many years as reconstructive surgeons. Spurred by what they had seen of the combined effects of poverty, tropical disease and a lack of adequate health services in East Africa, their collective vision was born in the foothills Mt Kilimanjaro. At that time, there was one doctor to every 30,000 people in East Africa – in Britain it was 1:1,000. Medical facilities were sparse, with rough terrain and often impassable roads making access to medical care difficult for people in rural and remote areas. As this was where the majority of the population lived, Archie, Tom and Michael saw an air-based service as the only way to get health care to remote communities. For more information follow this link:
Association for Promotion of Tourism to Africa serves as a platform for buyers and sellers in the African travel and hospitality industry to meet, mingle, and grow their mutual interests. It is the goal and purpose of APTA to promote tourism to Africa through educational, networking and marketing opportunities amongst the travel trade in Africa and North America. For more information follow this link:
Ecotourism Kenya promotes responsible tourism practices within the tourism industry. This entails encouraging the adoption of best practices in the use of tourism resources, working with local communities and managing wastes and emissions. According to The International Ecotourism Society, ecotourism is, ‘Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people’. (TIES, 1990). At Ecotourism Kenya, we know Ecotourism as ‘the involvement of tourists in environmental conservation activities directly linked to addressing human development needs, and promotes equitable sharing of benefits accrued from tourism with local communities while supporting their nature conservation values’. For more information follow this link:
The East African Wild Life Society is a membership-based public benefit organization that seeks to enhance the conservation and wise use of the environment and natural resources in the East African region. EAWS’s vision is to have an East Africa where people enjoy the full diversity, beauty and richness of nature. EAWS are posed to promote the conservation and wise use of the environment and natural resources in East Africa. For more information follow this link:
We Are Africa Travel: Africa often feels like tourism’s best-kept secret. Despite being the world’s second largest continent, overflowing with incredible assets including iconic wildlife, cutting-edge culture and award-winning luxury hotels, Africa has yet to emerge on the international scene as a serious contender. Unbelievably, it represents less than 5% of tourism arrivals and has the second lowest tourism growth of all regions. Equally as troubling is the outsider’s tendency to paint Africa with broad, reductive brushstrokes, polarised as either a place of war, famine and disease, or else as ‘the safari country’. We Are Africa’s vision is to unlock Africa from these tired old tropes, projecting a more modern and dynamic image outwards and bringing a plethora of new business in. In cooperation with the continent’s best travel brands, we are dedicated to telling the many stories of Africa’s diverse countries and people. For more information follow this link: